Get a clear picture of your finances and take control of your spending! Track your income, identify where your money goes, and avoid overspending with an innovative, intuitive app designed to keep you financially aware and in charge of your budget.

What type of app is Incomes Versus Expenses?
Incomes Versus Expenses (I. vs. E.) is a budget calculator app designed to foster household financial awareness and literacy. It provides families with a simple way to assess whether their incomes are sufficient to cover their bills. Using pre-filled and customizable labels, users can track both ordinary and unique expenses, gaining a clear understanding of their financial obligations. Designed for ease of use, the app only requires users to enter their incomes and expenses, select how often they occur, and tap 'Save.' Throughout the app, we use the plural form of 'income' to acknowledge the reality of many households relying on multiple jobs to make ends meet.

What differentiates this app from its competitors?
Unlike other apps in its category, Incomes Versus Expenses takes a practical, down-to-earth approach to reflect the realities of a typical household's earnings and expenditures. For instance, we use a monthly computation model because we recognize that most families worldwide live paycheck to paycheck, with most of their bills due monthly. Additionally, unlike comparable apps, we prioritize functionality and practicality over flashy designs, ensuring users get exactly what they need without unnecessary distractions.

Spending awareness, simple calculations, and financial literacy combined to help you to budget carefully.

Do you feel overwhelmed by expenses, while your 'entourage' doesn’t seem to grasp the weight of your financial responsibilities? The app, Incomes Versus Expenses, can help you clearly demonstrate the extent of your financial load to those around you. It’s also a powerful tool for fostering healthy money habits within your household. Download it now for just $1.99!

What do they say?

I really like the app, "Incomes versus Expenses". It gives me control over my expenditures.



I usually stay away from budget apps because I don't like to deal with bar or line graphs. I finally found one that does not use them and that keeps it simple enough for me. Thank you to the builder of "I. Versus E." for keeping things simple and practical.

- SV

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